Dan Perry/CC-BY-2.0. To tell if a Dooney & Bourke handbag is real, examine the general quality, determine the place of assembly, locate the label and examine the accessories on the handbag. Determining the authenticity of a handbag only takes a few minutes. Evaluate the quality of the handbag. Look at the entire bag on the inside and outside. It looks like the real thing. I have several dooney and bourkes so If I could see the inside and the registration and the stickered serial number that would be great. Dooney used to make that type of purse but it is no longer on their website. I don't remember seeing it in ivory but I do remember seeing it in those pink, black, and green colors. How to Check a Dooney & Bourke Registration Number Dooney & Bourke is the brand behind a wide range of fashion accessories, but they're mainly known for their handbags. If you've purchased one of them lately, it's important that you register the product. Disney Dooney & Bourke Pink Denim Wallet - Mickey Minnie Peace Love Laugh Smile. 5.0 out of 5 stars. Dooney & Bourke.
Check Serial Number On Dooney And Bourke Luggage
When you are thing about spending a large amount of money on q quality made Dooney and Bourke you should make sure that what you are purchasing is the real deal. There are many good “knock offs” that are a look alike of the real Dooney and Bourke brand. The difference is all in the quality. You want to make sure that you are buying a purse that will last and that you are not getting ripped off. There are many ways to tell if your Dooney and Bourke is real or fake.
The best way in telling if a Dooney and Bourke purse is counterfeit is to look at the logo first. The logo that is on the purse should be made of the same color thread as the rest of the handbag. Another way to tell that a Dooney and Bourke is authentic is look at the leather. A lot of these counterfeit purses are made of cheap vinyl, and it can be a dead give away that the purse is a fake if it feels cheap. Also, Dooney and Bourke leather is almost always made of British tan leather.
You can also tell if a handbag is fake by the metal used on the closures of the purse. A Dooney and Bourke always has brass closures. Counterfeit companies usually use cheaper metals that are silver based. If your purse has a silver zipper or lock than it is a fake. Dooney and Bourke also has a traditional symbol, a duck, which was imprinted on most of the vintage Dooney and Bourke handbags. The duck symbolized that the Dooney and Bourke handbags are water resistant like a duck. When a duck gets wet, the water runs right off just like a Dooney and Bourke handbag.
Check Serial Number On Dooney And Bourke Crossbody
One sure way to tell if a Dooney is authentic is to look inside the handbag to see if there is a registration number. Inside the purse you should find the traditional duck log stitched into the purse with a red, white, and blue registration sewn into the bag. Remember that just because a Dooney and Bourke looks good doesn’t mean it is authentic. Be sure that when purchasing a Dooney and Bourke that the dealer is authentic as well as the handbag.